Behind the Savvy Scene

savvy scene

Last week, I promised to tell you about our washroom here at our offices at Savvy. In this second instalment of ‘Behind the Savvy Scene’, sharing with our readers what it’s like to work in an office dedicated to parenting websites (including,,, and,) the washroom plays a big part.

With six women, all sharing the same washroom, many of whom drink coffee or tea all day long, it’s very much used. (I think I’m in there at least five times a day.)

The products in the washroom at Savvy are fun and definitely female-friendly. It’s like a tiny drugstore, featuring many types of hand lotions, mouthwash, Tylenol, body mists, and hand creams. There is also Aloe Vera, for some reason, and a nail file. Sometimes I just stay in there, for a little longer, to look at the products, as if I’m indeed shopping at a drug store.

The truth is, it took me a few visits to get used to the proximity of the washroom to the office, since my bladder is a shy one, and doesn’t like going so near to people.

Anyway, females are females and, let’s just say the washroom smells pretty. Really!

Speaking of being female, one of the nicest things about working amongst all women is that the compliments fly, usually as soon as you walk in the door.

As all women know, complimenting a colleague on a necklace or their outfit is a great conversation starter and also a great way to start your day. How could you not like working in an office wear people compliment you? It’s a better feeling than reading inspirational quotes on Facebook.

The other day, for example, we all complimented our Editor-in-Chief and General Manager at Savvy, Natalie Milne, on her adorable new dress (from Zara, $45. I asked the cost.) We discussed how much we love wearing dresses (because they are so easy to wear and so comfortable!) and how she could wear her new purchase well into winter if paired with tights.

Speaking of compliments, Natalie is one of those rare women who is impossible not to like. She’s just so damn nice and genuine. In fact, one of Natalie’s best friends e-mailed her the other day and told her that 90% of the newborn tips she was giving to a friend came from her!

‘Honestly,’ Natalie says. ‘I love my job. I get to help moms and parents during those difficult early years, which I myself am still living with a two-year-old and a five year-old, and provide some great information and hopefully a little entertainment.” (Also, how could you not love a boss who says she likes ‘any food she can enjoy with wine.’? That’s my kind of gal!)

Before I started to work here, I had a mini (fine…MAJOR) panic attack about what to wear to work. It’s been a long time since I’ve had to wear office attire, and who doesn’t worry, at least on their first day, if what they are wearing is appropriate? I tried on so many outfits it was ridiculous. I’m not even embarrassed to say that I brought THREE pairs of shoes to work on my first day. (On a side note, I know I’m a real commuter now, because I always take off my heels and put on my flip flops as soon as I’m out of the office door!)

On a nice walk, the other day, on a break to Starbucks with Nicole Carrington, an Influencer Campaign Specialist (She works hard, usually wearing headsets, but I’m still learning what exactly everyone does and what their titles mean) we had a nice chat about footwear and foundation. (See? We may concentrate on parenting all day long, but that’s NOT the only thing we talk about.) We discussed how the office is pretty casual, thankfully.

When I told her that I had run around town, looking for office-appropriate shoes, she complimented me on mine, which was a nice boost, kind of like a sugar rush. (See how nice it is to work with all women?)

Natalie is always in dresses. I would describe her style as ‘casual chic’. Michelle, the Managing Editor of Savvy, jokes her style is ‘monochromatic’. She usually wears dark colours, but with a twist. (Today she’s wearing a very cool chunky necklace handed down ‘from a very cool Aunt.’)

Katie, the editor of and, always looks adorable in clothes she describes as, ‘Anything that is clean.’ (HA! We’ve all been there!)

Nicole, my break-walking buddy, dresses edgy and crisp. And Leslie McCormick, ‘Integrated Campaign Manager’ at Savvy (again, I’ll admit I need to learn exactly what these jobs are!) is always colourful in cute business attire. On a personal note, Leslie is the mother of fraternal eight-year-old twin girls, and is turning forty, but looks like she’s 27. I’m not sure what Leslie’s secret is, but I will definitely find out! (I’m obsessed with mothers of multiples and I peppered Leslie with questions I’m sure she’s been asked a million times. Did she dress her twins the same when they were babies? (Same outfit, different colours.) Did they share a crib? (They shared a pack-n-play, but not a crib.) Are they in the same class? (No.)

Today, I’m wearing a long printed maxi dress, with flat brown and gold sandals. Needless to say, we love talking about fashion as well as all things parenting. The one problem with this office? The close proximity to dozens and dozens of restaurants.

Next week in Savvy Scene, I’ll tell you how I’ve somehow managed to NOT succumb to the McDonald’s right around the corner. Feel free to write and ask anything you want. I can be reached at [email protected]. Welcome to our scene! We’re glad you’re here.

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