Pantry Essentials for BBQ Season

Pantry Essentials for BBQ Season

After a never ending winter, spring has finally sprung; time to give winter garb the old heave-ho straight to the back of the closet. Deep, deep in to the dark recesses in hopes of never needing it again, or at least not for a very long while.

Dare it be said, summer shall soon be upon us. It is the season of garden fresh vegetables and quick meals that consist of no-cook dishes because really, we all just want to be outside.

Here are a few pantry essentials to make the most of BBQ season:

Fresh Herbs

During warm sunny months, make sure your pantry is a great resource of ingredients. Consider tossing out the dried herbs. All of them? Yes, all of them. By now they are tired and have lost most of their flavour. Start with a new batch of the basics in the fall. Right now it’s time for all the fresh herbs of the season to have their day in the sun, so to speak. You can even plant a DIY herb garden with your kids!

Fresh Condiments

Now that the pantry is prepped, it’s time to get it barbecue ready. Chances are you already have ketchups covered, but having a variety of relishes, mustards, and other condiments on hand will provide tasty toppers to please different tastes and may even encourage adventurous eating.

Good Quality Olive Oil & Flavoured Vinegars

Good quality olive oil and flavoured vinegar are pantry must haves. They are staples, perfect for brightening greens, roasted, grilled or steamed vegetables and adding hints of great flavour combinations. The possibilities become endless.

Canned Legumes

Canned legumes like black beans and lentils lend themselves to quick, protein-rich salads that are great accompaniments to anything coming off the grill, and they’re no cook.

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