5 Adult Easter Basket Ideas Because Why Should Kids Have All the Fun?

Grown Up Easter Basket Ideas - SavvyMom

Who says Easter is all about the kids? Surprise your loved one with a basket that’s an Easter upgrade. While your kids are munching on chocolate and peeps, it’s only fair that you indulge in a few treats of your own.

The “Wine Not” Easter Basket

Fill a wooden crate with your recipient’s preferred wine and then it’s time to get creative. We definitely think Wine Wipes are essential because spills happen. And why waste time asking for a refill when your socks will do it for you. Add in a sip-on-the-go magical unicorn cup and a game of Wineopoly and your gift is complete.

Spa Day Easter Basket

Put the aaaah back in spa. Even when she has no time for a massage she will benefit from a foot spa that soothes her soul and soles. Her favourite tea will taste even better in this cute mug. Then add in a heated shoulder buddy and a spritz of Sleep Spray to melt away the day’s stress. All without leaving the comfort of her couch.

Movie Night Easter Basket

Whether you know an action adventure fan or someone who wants to watch every romcom available, this basket will be a box office hit.  Fill a large popcorn tub with microwave popcorn, a copy of Movie Trivia Night, an adorable Pom Pom Throw for some snuggle action, and a few of favourite DVDs or Netflix gift card. Then get ready for your happy ending!

Nailed It Easter Basket

For the person who loves pretty nails, this basket has everything you need to make them stand out all year round. You’ll never lose your manicure kit again because this one is personalized. Then it’s time for silky soft hands using a combination of cuticle oil, almond hand cream and moisture gloves. Finally, bring out your inner Rockstar with metallic nails or have a hip-hopping look with bunny decals.

Brunch in a Basket

This is an egg-ceptional gift for the person who loves a good brunch (who doesn’t?). A Wake Me for Mimosa sleep mask will allow her to sleep until brunch is ready.  These Fried Egg molds will start the day with a side of fun. And of course, it wouldn’t be brunch without a Bloody Mary or two. Throw in this rapid slicer so there’s no accidents during the food making process and you may have just started a new Sunday Brunch family tradition.

p.s. We won’t tell a soul if you still decide to dig into some of your kids’ candy. We heard the Easter Bunny brought enough for all of you.

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