A Sweet Success

Jan Scott April 28, 2016

For me, one of the very best things that has come from food blogging has nothing to do with food or writing. Instead, the most exciting aspect of this hobby (and job) has been meeting like-minded people who are doing similar things as me. Happily, there are many of us around, and in the coming months I will be introducing some of our great Canadian food blogging moms to you.

Since December is the baking month, I must turn your attention to Rosie Alyea, baking blogger extraordinaire. Residing in Newcastle, Ontario, Rosie is the epitome of style, class and beauty, and her collection of cakes and confections have been seen in many magazines and websites as well as her own blog, Sweetapolita where she shares a glimpse into her home life. Her girls can often be found in the kitchen beside her, doodling on their birthday cakes. Not all of her cakes are kid-inspired, though. She creates the most sophisticated of sweets, like her famous asparagus cake.

Rosie was kind enough to spend a few minutes answering some questions I had for her.

Q: Which ingredient are you currently in love with these days?

Rosie: I’m currently drawn to using dark chocolate in my baking these days, even more so than ever before. I’ve recently been experimenting with different variations of dark to very dark quality chocolate, and I suddenly want to incorporate it into everything I make. I love extra-dark cocoa powder, as well as solid baking chocolate, ranging from 66% cocoa to 76% cocoa. It seems that no matter what you bake with premium chocolate, it turns out beautifully—rich, dark and decadent.

Q: What is the last meal you cooked for your family?

Rosie: This question made me smile! The last meal I cooked for my family was homemade pizza for the kids and a traditional pot roast dinner for me and my husband (simply seasoned with fresh rosemary & thyme). Although I do tend to do much more baking than cooking, my family loves simple, more old-fashioned meals, which I love to make.

Q: What is your ideal baking soundtrack?

Rosie: Well, it seems I can’t bake without music, or if I do it feels something is missing. These days, I find myself listening to French cafe music quite a bit, which the kids love as well. I think my little girls and I feel like fancy French bakers when we hear this kind of music in the kitchen, so it just feels right!

Q: Which do you prefer: chocolate or vanilla?

Rosie: I used to be a vanilla-girl all the way, but once I started learning more, and tasting baked goods made with quality chocolate, I quickly became a chocolate lover. Chocolate cake, chocolate buttercream, ganache glaze—I love it all. It’s almost a tie between chocolate and vanilla, but not quite…

Q: Name the one baking utensil you can’t live without?

Rosie: I simply can’t live without my cake and cookie lifter. I use for transferring baked cake layers, sliced layers, filled cakes, fully frosted cakes and more, from plates to pedestals, boards to plates and pretty much anywhere a cake may need to go during the frosting and decorating process. It’s pretty much always within arms’ reach, because I use it so often.

To learn more about Rosie, visit her inspiring website or follow her on Twitter, where she often tweets about her latest project, charming children or serious coffee addiction.

I hope you enjoyed getting to know Rosie. Who are some of your favourite food blogging Moms?

Rosie AlyeaRosie Alyea's Cakes

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