A Savvy Holiday


Our SavvyMoms love the holidays. Once everything is bought, wrapped, opened and everything is checked off the list, there is calm after the storm. That’s when we get to relax and spend time with our families and have a bit of a rest.
I’m actually spending time with my family on a sunny beach right now so I couldn’t be happier (seriously, I’m not sure I have ever been happier).

Before I left, I spoke to most of the team and found out what they were doing for the hols this year and here’s what some of them told me. Some are going far and some not so far but everyone is looking forward to the downtime for a few days at least.

Here’s what Martha Cass, our Toronto scribe emailed me:

Martha Cass and Kids
“Holiday greetings to all of you from sunny Mexico. Our holiday celebrations are already done (we celebrate Chanukah, which finished last weekend) and this year was fantastic! We love to invite friends and family to eat latkes (my husband Randy’s favourite food) and jelly doughnuts on the first night of the celebration. For my boys (Benjamin 7, Nathan 5 and Daniel 2) it’s all about the presents (it’s pretty much like Christmas in that way).

But for me, my favourite part is lighting the candles each night. It makes the house glow and my heart feel warm. On the first night we say a special prayer to express our joy for reaching this happy season. That is my holiday wish for all of you. May you feel all the joy in the world this holiday, however you celebrate. Thank you so much for reading SavvyMom!”

Sheila Colman, our very savvy scribe in Vancouver also has big plans to spend time with her gorgeous family:

Sheila Colman and Family
“For me, the holidays bring a much needed break from the school routine, the soccer pitch and the hockey arena. All good things start with S for my family this Christmas: snowshoeing, skiing, shopping the sales in Seattle and (of course) sipping Shiraz while savouring scrumptious suppers.”

I know Sarah will be spending time with her in-laws in Saskatoon and then her own family in Canmore, Alberta with lots of skiing, hiking and family time with all of the cousins.

Angela is in Costa Rica (can you stand it)? Heather is skiing in the interior of BC and let’s not forget about Patti Ryan who is in Cambodia. Because why wouldn’t you?

There’s more to the team…and we all wish you a very relaxing week filled with health, happiness and of course, SavvyMom emails.


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