A Celebration of Green: How to Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day

what to do on st. patrick's day

In February, we ‘heartily’ celebrate all things red (and shades thereof) for Valentine’s Day, so it’s only fair that we turn to its complimentary colour—green—for the month of March.

St. Patrick’s Day is more than just leprechauns, rainbows, and four-leaf clovers (although let’s face it, no one is going to turn down a little luck if they can get it). It’s a fun mid-month holiday even if you’re not Irish—and an automatic, activity-themed day if you’re looking for a break during the school ‘break’.

So we say ‘go green’ here at SavvyHQ!

Here are 5 quick and easy ways to enjoy St. Patrick’s Day.

  1. Green it up. Green food colouring is a fave when it comes to March 17. For the little ones, why not make ‘green eggs and ham’ for breakfast? Or have an adventurous day eating all green food (read: a great way to get your kids to actually eat those leafy veggies!) and finish off with some cupcakes decorated in green icing and sprinkles. After the kids have gone to bed, you can treat yourself to a green beer (or just skip the food colouring and enjoy a traditional Guinness).
  2. Go on a hunt. After all, those leprechauns are out searching for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, so why not take your little elves out on a fun geocaching journey. Or create a scavenger hunt at home using everyday items or dollar store shamrocks and have a pot of (chocolate) gold coins as a reward for your team.
  3. Celebrate spring. There’s a belief that St. Patrick’s Day became so popular in North America because of its proximity to the first official day of spring. So if the weather is nice, why not head out into the garden? Start clearing it out in preparation for planting (or maybe even plant a couple of flowers if it’s mild enough). It’s never too early to foster a love of nature in your kids.
  4. Have a rainbow activity day. Pick a bunch of small, easy-to-do activities (baking cookies, going to the park, playing a board game) and make sure that each child—and yourself—all have a pick. Write each down on a different coloured card. Put the cards in a ‘pot’ and take one out to start. Go through the day choosing a new card after you’ve finished the previous activity. You’ll be surprised how ‘ordinary’ things become extra fun when they’re chosen in a game format.
  5. Wear a touch of green. Make it nice and simple by having some fun picking out ‘green’ outfits (or at least a little bit ‘o’ green) the night before. If you can’t fill the day with St. Patrick’s fun, at least you’ll be sharing it in spirit

So we wish you a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and lots of luck over the year!

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