A Build-Your-Own Scone Bar for Mother’s Day

Jan Scott April 28, 2016
Scones with Cream, Jam and Coffee

Each year on Mother’s Day, I host a brunch for my mom, mother-in-law and sister. This surprises some people as they assume that because I’m also a mother I’d want to have breakfast made for me. The truth is, I’m not one for eating my morning meal in my bed (the crumbs!) and I really like feeding others so this works well for me, too.

Having said that, I also have no intention of standing stove-side all Sunday morning, which means my entire menu is mostly make-ahead. This year I’m planning a build-your-own scone bar with assorted biscuits, spreads and berries. The scones are already in my freezer, premade, cut out and portioned. The berries can be washed and sliced on Saturday, and come Mother’s Day morning I only need to whip some cream, spoon store-bought lemon curd and jam into small bowls, pop the scones in the oven, and turn on the coffee machine.

This simple breakfast is satisfying for all, and by the time we’re finished eating and everyone heads home it’s barely noon, and I have the whole afternoon ahead of me to relax. If you’re interested in planning your own brunch here are a few of our favourite scone recipes:

Banana Bread Scones
Gingerbread Cranberry Scones
Sweet Potato Scones
Sugar-Topped Scones
Quiche Lorraine Scones

One thing to note: I like to use icing sugar in my whipped cream instead of granulated sugar as the powdered sugar helps to stabilize the cream ensuring it’€™s possible for me to make it advance. Also, if it happens to be too hot for coffee or tea this weekend, you can consider making our cold-brew option, which is perfect for sipping in the backyard or on the stoop.

Happy Mother’€™s Day!

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