8 Smoothie Add-Ins to Keep You Going

SavvyMom April 28, 2016
8 Smoothie Recipes and Add-Ins to Keep You Going

Comfort food may have helped us maintain our sanity this winter but now we’re ready for a boost of fresh nutritional ideas we can really drink up. Stay smooth with our Smoothie Add-Ins to Keep You Going—our round-up of superfoods easily added to any smoothie recipe already in your arsenal.

Cacao Powder
We like anything that’s part of the basis for chocolate. We like it even more that cacao powder is high in natural antioxidant compounds, energizing iron, and heart-healthy magnesium. Adding a spoonful of this tasty stuff is a great way to get the kids to drink down a healthy smoothie. Just tell ‘em it’s chocolate.
It may be algae, but…it’s awesome! Spirulina provides protein, iron, essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Make it easy to incorporate into your breakfast routine by buying it in powdered form to add to nearly any smoothie recipe. 

Power up the blender. We’ve got more Smoothie Add-ins to Keep You Going.


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