8 Reasons To Check Out CBC Kids Days 2018

Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s the crazy events both local and afar, but this summer already seems months long and we’re not even halfway through it yet. If you’re struggling with ways to entertain the kids we have a suggestion: Head downtown next week for CBC Kids Days. Happening on July 18 and July 19 from 10 am until 3 pm, this annual event is packed with music, dancing and fun.
It’s also completely free with no need to register in advance. Need a few more reasons why this event is worthy of a trek downtown? Then read on.
1. It’s Not On The Weekend If you’re like us, your weekends are likely already booked well into August. Thankfully CBC has wisely chosen not to run its Kids Days on a Saturday or Sunday when it would have to compete with family barbeques, soccer, and so many street festivals. Instead, it runs on a Wednesday and Thursday, providing bored kids with some mid-week entertainment and you with a great excuse to book a day off work. And yes, both days have the same schedule so you’ll see the same performances, regardless of when you go.
2. It’s (Mostly) Indoors Normally this wouldn’t be a highlight but as we push through another week of 30+ degree weather, we think the fact that CBC Kids Days takes place inside the broadcaster’s air-conditioned headquarters is notable. Besides being cool and sun-free, this indoor venue also means indoor plumbing. Yes, public washrooms and kids are never a fun combo but it’s definitely a step up from porta-potties. And if you do want to venture outside, there will be some activities happening in Simcoe Park.
3. Getting There Is Some Of The Fun If you take public transit, that is. Yes, you could drive down to Front and John (there are plenty of parking options) but why do that when kids love taking the GO train or one of the shiny, new King streetcars. And don’t forget that the TTC is free for kids under 12. If you do take the streetcar, hop off at King and John and then walk south on John for a few minutes until you hit the CBC building.
4. Fred Penner Will Be There Yes, the same bearded singer who entertained us when we were kids is busy performing for another generation. Fred Penner and his beloved guitar will be on stage at 12:15 pm each day for a roughly 45-minute set that will delight little ones while taking us parents on a bit of a nostalgia trip.
5. You Can Burn Off Energy & Meet TV Stars In the morning, kids can get their groove on at True and the Rainbow Kingdom’s Super Duper Dance Party. Then at 1:50 pm, it’s time to party again, this time alongside some of your kids’ favourite TV characters. Cookie Monster, PJ Masks, and even Daniel Tiger are just a few of the stars who your little ones will be able to meet and take pictures with. Kids will also get a chance to tour the new home of CBC’s Studio K show.
6. Even You’ll Be Entertained At 11:30 am on both days, the stars of CBC Kids’ The Thrillusionists will take to the stage for a show that will wow the adults just as much as the kids. This trio of teen illusionists will impress you with an assortment of tricks and talents that will have you wondering just how they did that.
7. You Can Get Crafty (and Messy) In Someone’s Else Space Though we love doing crafts with our kids, we aren’t crazy about how messy the creative process can get. So we’re all for events like CBC Kids Days that let kids get their art on without us having to clean up after them. CBC hasn’t shared exactly what crafts will be available however, given that Owlkids is involved with this event, we suspect it will be something nature-related.
8. There’s a Chance to Explore The New And Improved King St. Once you’re wrapped up at CBC Kids Days, head up to King Street and check out the various new pop-up art installations that the city of Toronto has installed. The ones in front of Roy Thomson Hall are particularly kid-friendly and include the opportunity to play the drums and do some life-size pin art.
Photo credits: CBC