From The Editor’s Desk: 5 Things We Love This Week


From box office-crushing movies with a message to a scientific explanation for things that cause us pain, here are five things we’re loving this week.

Zootopia is crushing it at the box office.
Why does this make us happy? Well, we’re big fans of any animated show or film that’s smart and funny enough for the adults to enjoy (a welcome reprieve from mind-numbing reruns of Max & Ruby) but also one that our kids are clamoring to see. And not only is Zootopia sweet and brings the warm fuzzies, but the story of the main character, a bunny, overcoming obstacles despite the doubt of her peers and mentors who don’t think she will achieve her goals because she is a bunny is an important one for kids. It’s a smart, kid-friendly analogy for discrimination and prejudice.

So it makes us happy to see that Zootopia is Disney Animation’s largest box-office opening ever, and the best-reviewed movie of 2016 thus far (currently sitting at an almost unheard of 99% rating on Rotten Tomatoes).

Plus, watch out for the cameo of Peter Mansbridge providing the voice of a newscaster Moose. Yup. (Oh, Canada!)

This is what support for working moms looks like.
We love Humans of New York. A lot. (See exhibits A, B, and C for some of our past faves). But today, we were chuffed to read the tale of one married New York man who supported his working, high-powered wife by doing chores, taking the kids to school, or picking her up. In his words,

‘I’d been raised on the idea that the man was supposed to provide. But eventually I came around to the idea that money wasn’t the only way to provide. I could support her by doing chores, or taking the kids to school, or picking her up from the airport. Her work benefited all of us, so I could help provide by making her job easier.’

A high five from us to this one human of New York. May he lead others by his fine example.

This summer camp has opened its doors to Syrian refugee children.
An Ontario camp is offering 24 Syrian girls the opportunity to attend summer camp, all expenses paid, this summer. Citing the positive effects camp can have on young girls, Glen Bernard camp owner, Jocelyn Palm, says that ‘summer camp can have a real impact on a child’s sense of belonging, self-confidence and self-esteem,’—all things required when adjusting to a new country and culture.

If you or someone you know is sponsoring a Syrian family, here’s where to submit an application to have a girl attend the camp.

We now know exactly why it hurts so much to step on a LEGO.
We know it hurts like heck. But now we know it hurts because…science. Turns out, it’s because of our 200,000 sensory receptors and the chemical makeup of LEGO bricks. So at least next time you’re hopping around in pain, you can feel justified knowing that science understands.

PS: Here’s how to make sure you never actually step on one again.

Finally, to all the supermoms and superwomen out there, happy International Women’s Day. Here’s to strong women!

Have a great week.


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