5 Perfect Picnic Cocktails

5 Perfect Picnic Cocktails - SavvyMom

Dust off your gingham blanket and grab the insect repellent because there’s a limited time to squeeze in a classic summer activity — a family picnic. The name of the picnic game is relaxation but. planning a fieldtrip complete with a low-key outdoor meal, can be surprisingly complicated. Keeping all your edibles at their optimal temperature while in the field, is nothing short of a miracle, particularly where picnic cocktails are involved.

Margaritas may be the natural choice when you’re poolside, but in the “wilderness” slushy beverages have little longevity. And mojitos? Let’s face it! Nobody wants to be muddling anything while sitting cross-legged on a blanket.  If you want to keep appetizing, low-maintenance beverages flowing throughout the afternoon it’s important to select drinks that either improve over time, or can be mixed ahead or easily made on site. Here are 5 picnic appropriate picnic cocktails from around the web:

5 Easy and Delicious Picnic Cocktails

Rhubarb Prosecco Spritzer:

This cocktail from the blog Katie at the Kitchen Door is perfect for picnickers who are pressed for time. The drink consists of a rhubarb, cinnamon syrup that can be prepared days in advance and the Prosecco is best added onsite. The frozen raspberries are also a nice touch as they keep the drink cool without watering it down.

image courtesy katie at the kitchen door

Honey Ginger Lemonade:

Lemonade may be the quintessential summer sipper, but this beverage from Gourmande in the Kitchen offers an aromatic take on the classic. Pack a bottle of vodka (fresh from the freezer) and transform this kid-friendly lemonade into a cocktail on the fly.

image courtesy of Gourmande in the kitchen

Pimm’s Cup:

When mixed at home and packed into handy dandy mason jars, the Pimm’s Cup actually improves over time. This historic cocktail features sliced fruit (cherries, oranges, etc.) and cucumber, so the longer a Pimm’s Cup sits the more flavourful it becomes. The blog Brit&Co has great tips on how to make this classic cocktail perfect for picnic consumption.

image courtesy of Brit & Co.

Paloma Cocktail:

As far as refreshing cocktails go, the Paloma cocktail ranks pretty high. Aside from its summer-friendly pink hue, the Paloma delivers a strong hit of grapefruit that’s sure to make even the most oppressive humidity bearable (the tequila doesn’t hurt either). To ensure sustained carbonation, add the club soda just before serving. Give this recipe from the blog Drizzle and Dip a try – apparently, it’s perfect.

image courtesy of Drizzle and Drip

Blackberry Thyme Sparkler:

For a complex yet refreshing picnic libation, serve this quirky champagne cocktail from the blog The Effortless Chic. Like the Rhubarb Prosecco Spritzer, the Blackberry Thyme Sparkler features a syrup that can be stored in the fridge days before use. Plus, any recipe that gives you an excuse to pop a bottle of champagne can’t be a bad thing. Oh, and it also has gin, which is a surprisingly delicious complement to the thyme.

image courtesy of The Effortless Chic

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