4 Things to Do with Winter Veggies

RecipeGeek January 19, 2022
4 Ideas for Winter Veggies - SavvyMom

The winter is a tough few months for those of us that live in a very cold climate. It can feel difficult to get motivated to cook the same winter veggies. No beautiful spring vegetables, glorious rhubarb, or fresh sugar snap peas. And even strawberries can feel a bit blah.

There are lots of ways to zip up winter veggies to keep the winter blues away. Here we’ll show you a few ways to keep winter vegetables exciting!

4 Ideas for Winter Veggies

Roast ‘Em

Winter root vegetables are ideal for roasting. All you need is a big baking sheet, some olive oil, lots of seasoning and maybe a bit of fresh thyme. Mix up a combination of potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes, beets, red onion and parsnips. Pop them in the oven at a high temperature and they turn into sweet, delicious vegetables that pair perfectly with any main dish.

Blitz ‘Em

The winter is cold and we often crave warm lunches and dinners that can fight off the snowiest days. That’s where homemade soups fit right in. Homemade soup is so easy to make and winter veggies lend themselves perfectly. Use lots of leeks, carrots, and celery as the base of any soup and then top it up with a hearty winter veg like any kind of squash, acorn or butternut. You can easily make a big batch of soup and freeze it for later. Amp up your soup with seasoning, fresh herbs, and a drizzle of good extra virgin olive oil.

Mash ‘Em

When you think of winter vegetables potatoes are often top of mind. You can go beyond mashed potatoes and make a mash with a combination of vegetables. Cook chopped potatoes, sweet potatoes, and parsnips and mash them all up together with butter and a bit of milk and seasoning and you’ll have a dish worthy of a dinner party. Also try celery root, butternut squash, rutabaga, kohlrabi, carrots, and cauliflower – these veggies mash like a charm and taste delicious.

Make ‘Em the Star

There is a quick way to get tired of winter veggies, that is, by eating the same ones over and over again. Go beyond broccoli and carrots and try some vegetables you haven’t before and make them the main dish rather then the side. For example, Jerusalem artichokes are a tasty root veg that are delicious roasted and in soups. Celery root is an often-overlooked root veg that can be turned into all kinds of dishes like a dip or soup. Try making a giant vegetable tart using roasted root veggies or a gratin stuffed with spinach, cheese, and cauliflower. Make a tomato sauce and toss it with spaghetti squash in place of pasta.

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