4 Easy Ways to Make This The Most Magical Holiday Ever

Heather Dixon November 25, 2020
IKEA Holidays

We’ve all been told that the holidays will be different this year, but what we haven’t been told is that there has to be any less magic. In fact, this year is probably the best year to make the most of the joy that comes along with the holiday season. This is the year that we stay home together, cozy and warm in our pjs, with the people we love most.

Whether you’re baking with kids or decorating your tree, dancing and singing to music, or reminiscing about everything you love about the season, here’s how to help make this holiday the most magical one ever.

Decorate Early & Leave It All Up For As Long As You Like

Who says we have to wait until a certain date to start getting into the spirit? You want your lights up early? Put them up. You want your tree to stay up until the end of January? Go for it. Let’s put as much holly jolly into our homes as we can! If you’re looking to up your decorating game, IKEA has a huge selection of tree ornaments, candles and candle holders and even trees and stands.

Bake Your Treats, And Eat Them Too

Yes, of course we care about being healthy and having a balanced diet. But how about, for one short season, we all collectively agree to enjoy the taste and texture of foods because they’re just that—enjoyable. Holidays are synonymous with baking, so if you want to spend a lazy morning baking sugar cookies with your kids, we think that’s a great idea. Or, if this is the year you decide to tackle the family fruit cake recipe, we say more power to you! Here are some tools to help you enjoy the end result even more.

And if you’re planning on creating your own gingerbread masterpiece, here’s a kit with everything you need to make it fun and easy to put together.

Play Music As Long & As Loud As You Want To

If you can’t get enough of Old Saint Nick or The Little Drummer Boy, put your carols on a loop and host a kitchen dance party. In our opinion, there are no rules when it comes to music. In fact, we think it’s one of the best (and easiest) ways to create a little magic at home. Here are some great ways to amp up the holiday spirit in your home.

Get Creative With Your Quality Time

Maybe 2020 can be the year your kids remember all of you doing a lot of stuff together. Have you ever tackled a giant puzzle as a family? Or maybe you could host a family quiz night (our kids love Kahoot). Why not make something gorgeous together, like these DIY Snow Globes? Or host a friendly  LEGO-making competition (here’s an easy way to clean it all up when you’re done). Some of the best memories your kids will have of you is when you’re being goofy and having fun together.

This year, the holidays are a great time to slow down and enjoy the quiet moments. You don’t have to spend a lot or rush around from place to place. Maybe instead of noticing what we don’t have this year, the holidays can be a bit more—more family, more memories, more magic.

And for more ideas on making the season magical, check out this guide.


Thank you to IKEA for partnering with us on this. Happy holidays!



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