3 Ways to Cheer on Team Canada This Year

Young happy African American mother having fun with his son at home while coloring together.

Summer is almost here and this year, it’s all about finding joy in the everyday moments we share with our families. That might mean going on a picnic, running through a sprinkler on a hot day or kicking a soccer ball around the backyard after dinner. After all, it’s often the simple things that create the most happiness — and now more than ever, we’re ready to celebrate each day.

The Olympic Games are a fantastic reason for families to kick back, get inspired and show off their Canadian pride. Here are some fun, easy ways for your family to get involved in an exciting event that brings the whole country together. You might even say we’re planning a gold medal summer!

Be The Cheer

For the first time ever, there won’t be any fans in attendance at The Olympic Games. While these safety measures are important for the well-being of everyone involved, it’s going to be a unique experience for athletes who won’t get to hear the roar of a crowd as they compete for the gold. Research has shown that hearing the enthusiastic cheer of a crowd can actually have a positive impact on an athlete’s performance, so it’s important that we find other ways to support Team Canada.

Cheerios has a great way to help make this happen, and it’s as easy as enjoying a box of your kids’ favourite breakfast cereal. Parents can cut a Cheer Card out of specially marked Cheerios boxes to help kids send a personalized message of encouragement to Team Canada. Little ones can use their drawing skills, and big kids can practice their handwriting. And yes, parents can get in on the action, too! Get creative while making a connection with our country’s best and brightest athletes — it’s an amazing way to celebrate The Games this summer! Plus, there’s no charge to mail your family’s Cheer Cards — just pop them into any Canada Post mailbox and you’re all set. Hip, hip, hooray (and O, Canada!).

Cheerios has sent over 100,000 Cheer Cards to Canadian athletes since this initiative started over a decade ago, and they’re hoping to send more than ever this year. Our Olympic athletes have described these messages as the fuel that keeps them going, and this year, they’re even more meaningful. Cheer Cards are available on specially marked Cheerios boxes until mid-June, so look for them next time you’re buying groceries! You can cheer on members of Team Canada like Olympic sprinter Andre De Grasse, Olympic swimmer Penny Oleksiak, Olympic trampolinist Rosie MacLennan, Olympic diver Jennifer Abel and skateboarder and Olympic hopeful Matt Berger (and, you might even spot one of these athletes on your next Cheerios box). Let’s say it together: GO TEAM CANADA!

Have a Viewing Party with Your Family

The Olympic Games are going to take place in Tokyo, Japan, which is 13 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time. While this means you won’t be watching a lot of the competition in real time, it’s a great opportunity to PVR your favourite events to watch as a family. So, why not make it a party in your living room? Decorate the house with Canadian flags, hang up some homemade Olympic rings, and get ready to cheer on Team Canada from the comfort of your couch. You’ll definitely want to wear red and white, and you can even set the tone by singing O Canada as a family before hitting play! Don’t forget to prepare some fun snacks like this Cheerios nuts and bolts mix. Yum!

Host an Olympic Games of Your Own

Watching The Olympic Games on television might leave your family feeling inspired to try out a few summer games of your own. Choose activities based on your favourite Olympic events, set up some challenges in your backyard or a local park, and get ready for some friendly competition between family members. Traditional track and field activities are a great place to start, and if you have access to a swimming pool, there are plenty of awesome water sports to try. Or, create new events for a kid-friendly competition (“water balloon toss” works just as well any decathlon)! You don’t have to be sporty to have fun at your family Olympics — it’s all about having a good time together. Bonus: have your kids make Olympic medals out of construction paper, yogurt lids or other materials in your home to add a fun artistic element!

No matter how you support Team Canada at The Olympic Games this year, get creative, do it as a family and enjoy every moment. That’s what being the cheer is all about! What better way to celebrate summer?


Thanks Cheerios for partnering with us on this fun post!

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