23 Items to Help Get Them Out the Door

19 Items to Help Get Them Out the Door

Back-to-school season should really be called back-to-the-morning-routine season. It’s time to embrace the chaos of waking, dressing, brushing, cleaning, eating, packing, shoelace tying, searching (and more searching), before running out the door.
Looking for some inspiration to get them out the door effortlessly this year? We can’t promise it will be as easy as that, but our editor’s picks for this month’s The List: Items to Help Get Them Out the Door should help.

We’re forever telling them to look on the bright side, so take a cue from these unshakably happy Festiva Smiley Knobs from Lee Valley Tools. Made from strong, durable and fade-resistant plastic, they are strong enough to hold backpacks, coats, or a much-loved hat. Order one in each of their favourite colours and you’ll give them all something to smile about. ($4.20)

If you’ve all outgrown the toddler art easel you’re still using as a central messaging spot, it’s time for an upgrade. Small enough to fit on a wall near the main exit and entrance areas, the Umbra Talk Chalk Board talks to them as they walk out, reminding them, and you, about t-ball, tomorrow’s test, and team try-outs. Word up. ($25)

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