25 Ways to Use Mason Jars in Your Outdoor Entertaining

Jan Scott August 19, 2020

After being cooped up in my house during the longest winter ever, I’m ready to get outdoors and feast with my friends and family. I’ve spent the past few weeks assembling my outdoor entertaining equipment, and it quickly came to my attention that mason jars are the one item I can use to replace so many others. So, instead of purchasing a special cutlery canister, or a divided dish to hold condiments, I’m using jam jars for many of my summer entertaining needs. Here are some of my favourite ways to use jars of all shapes, sizes and colour.

  1. Drinking glasses
  2. Cocktail shaker
  3. Flower vase
  4. Utensil holder
  5. Straw holder
  6. Personal pie dish
  7. Individual appetizer holder
  8. Layered salads
  9. Whipped cream shaker
  10. Punch pitcher
  11. Matchbox (line the lid with sandpaper)
  12. Salt and pepper holders
  13. Votive candle holder
  14. Toothpick holder
  15. Condiment containers
  16. Popsicle mold
  17. Simple centerpieces
  18. Candy jar
  19. Powdered sugar shaker
  20. Breadstick holder
  21. Lemon and lime wedge holder
  22. Ice cream sundae bowl
  23. Jar lanterns
  24. Hostess gift (fill with homemade or store-bought treats, jam, or pickles)
  25. Party favours (fill with homemade cookies or caramel corn)

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