25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit: A Book Review

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If there’s one thing I consider myself to be, it’s a proud Canadian.

I’m also a parent of little kids and have a very strong desire for my weebles to understand how amazing and beautiful their country is – and just how darn lucky they are to be living here.

I want my kids to see Canada. But I’m also kind of bad at planning. If I’m going to head to Vancouver (for example) I want to know what the top things are to see that I can’t miss, as well as some cool facts or interesting side trips.

But I want someone else to tell me all the details.

Enter the book: 25 Places in Canada Every Family Should Visit. Written by award-winning freelance travel writer and blogger Jody Robbins (who is also conveniently a Mom), the book covers just that: the top places in Canada to see as a family.

You’ll find destinations that are to be expected, like Vancouver, Banff, Toronto, and Halifax. But you’ll also find little details about each place to add extra adventure and value to your trip. For example, if you’re heading to Vancouver – you’ll know how and where to check out a flightseeing tour, or where to spot eagles.

I love that each destination concludes with sections called Taste, Nap, Getting Around, Fun Facts, and ‘Get Excited About Your Trip’, where you’ll get restaurant and accommodation recommendations, tips on transportation, some interesting facts about the region and a few resources to check out with your kids to introduce them to where you’re going.

Let’s face it – there’s a lot to see in Canada. And if you’re not a seasoned traveler, it can be hard to know where to start. Who would ever think to make Avalon Peninsula a destination for a family trip? I hadn’t before reading “Looking over the steely grey waters of the Atlantic, we watch fishing boats carefully maneuver around imposing icebergs… There’s a feeling of remoteness in Newfoundland and Labrador, like you’ve reached a secluded corner of the world.”

Now I can’t wait to put it on my list.

Saguenay Fjord, Dinosaur Provincial Park and Penticton make up just a few of the other places described in detail that I now can’t wait to discover. If you’re looking for the more popular spots, you’ll find write-ups on Victoria, Blue Mountain, Quebec City and PEI, to name a few.

The book also includes helpful travel tips for families including money-saving advice and a section on camping.

For any parent who loves to travel and wants to share this incredibly beautiful country with their kids – this book is an awesome and helpful resource. And one that you should definitely pack in your carry-on.

Find some more details on the book and the author here.

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