Summer Activities for Kids: 101 Summer Boredom Busters

Summer! For some, this is a welcome break from rigorous routines but others may feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of the kids hunkering down at home until September.
I personally fall somewhere in the middle, and look forward to the lazy, hazy days of summer with my boys. But, I also feel compelled to have a few ideas of summer activities for kids tucked in my back-pocket for those times when boredom sets in and we’re looking for something to do.
We’ve made a family bucket list of sorts for the past several summers. Sometimes we might manage to cross off only one or two of our planned activities. Other times, we’re wildly successfully and determined and we accomplish most of what we set out to do.
Some of the items on this list are for the kids and some are for the parents but, in reality, most can be done as a family. Here are 101 ways we’ve celebrated summer and I hope my ideas for summer activities for kids gives you a little inspiration for your own warm-weather fun this year.
Boredom Busters for a Fun Summer: 101 Summer Activities for Kids
1. Go to a matinee movie.
2. Make a backyard obstacle course.
3. Build a lemonade stand.
4. Wash cars in bathing suits.
5. Attend a baseball game (local minor league games are fun, too!).
6. Play mini golf.
7. Read at least 10 books.
8. Host an outdoor movie night.
9. Do yoga as a family.
10. Have a water fight.
11. Fly a kite.
12. Have a picnic in the park.
13. Go swimming.
14. Eat dinner on the beach.
15. Have family game night as often as possible.
16. Write a story.
17. Cook something as a family.
18. Go to a drive-in movie.
19. Visit a relative.
20. Celebrate a holiday you don’t usually celebrate.
21. Make homemade bubbles.
22. Sleep in a tent.
23. Roast marshmallows.
24. Go to a fair.
25. Bake cookies for a friend.
26. Make a time capsule.
27. Play tug of war.
28. Do a dinner swap with a friend.
29. Have a 3-legged race.
30. Make your own movie.
31. Conquer a fear.
32. Blow bubbles.
33. Go to a local festival.
34. Drink root beer floats.
35. Have a weekly movie night.
36. Make popsicles every week.
37. Take a family photo.
38. Learn how to do something new.
39. Plant something and watch it grow.
40. Bake a loaf of bread.
41. Start and finish a large puzzle as a family.
42. Jump in a swimming pool fully clothed.
43. Go fishing.
44. Play hopscotch.
45. Start a new family tradition.
46. Become a magician and learn all of the spells from Harry Potter.
47. Go geocaching.
48. Pick an official song of summer & have a dance party.
49. Host a barbecue/party.
50. Collect seashells.
51. Build a sand castle.
52. Run through a sprinkler.
53. Make s’mores.
54. Visit a beach or park you’ve never been to before.
55. Throw a summer party for the kids.
56. Have a scavenger hunt.
57. Watch fireworks.
58. Visit a pick-your-own farm.
59. Play flashlight tag.
60. Make homemade jam.
61. Have a cousin sleepover.
62. Start a collection.
63. Invent a new game or sport.
64. Eat ice cream for dinner.
65. Have a pyjama day.
66. See an outdoor play or concert.
67. Be a tourist in your own city.
68. Do a random act of kindness.
69. Visit a food truck.
70. Try a new sport.
71. Play Mad Libs.
72. Bake and decorate a cake.
73. Make paper airplanes.
74. Take a day trip.
75. Go to a farmers’ market.
76. Have a talent show with friends.
77. Visit a famous landmark.
78. Play frisbee.
79. Take more pictures.
80. Have a corn on the cob eating contest.
81. Learn how to juggle.
82. Anoint a King or Queen for the day.
83. Go to a museum.
84. Read a classic book.
85. Carve a watermelon.
86. Climb a tree.
87. Ride a carousel.
88. Eat five things you’ve never tried before.
89. Break a world record.
90. Have a staring contest.
91. Make marshmallow sculptures.
92. Learn how to yo-yo.
93. Make a Slip and Slide for the backyard.
94. Take a road trip.
95. Build a fort (indoor AND outdoor).
96. Have a screen-free day.
97. Make friendship bracelets with your friends.
98. Learn some jokes and put on a comedy show for your family.
99. Create a build-your-own sandwich bar.
100. Take a ferry ride.
101. Play and eat outside as often as possible until September!