Dr Teal’s Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Eucalyptus and Spearmint

SavvyMom February 6, 2017
Dr Teal's Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Eucalyptus Spearmint

Feeling flu-ey?

You’re not alone. It’s going around and this year’s strain feels particularly nasty. Aches, chills, shivers, sniffles, and a cough that lingers long after it has outstayed its welcome.

This week we were pleased to discover that two very old remedies have been combined in a product that delivers multi-symptom relief: Dr Teal’s Epsom Salt Soaking Solution with Eucalyptus Spearmint.

Epsom salt works wonders at relieving aches and pains, so pour a few handfuls into a warm bath (the warm water will also put an end to that hard-to-shake chill). The added eucalyptus and minty aromatherapy, when mixed with the warm steam off your bath, will clear your airways and relieve congestion. We liked that the aromatherapy in Dr. Teal’s was not overpowering. Strong aromas can be off-putting for some sick kiddos, but the scents here were subtle while still being effective.

All in all, it delivered spa-like, heavenly relief from our miserable cold and flu symptoms. Just what the doctor ordered.

Need for relief from the cold or flu? Try this Cold 911 tea or one of these other 14 cold and flu fighters.

Dr. Teal’s Epsom Salt is available at Shoppers Drug Mart & Loblaws for $9.99. 

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