Mobile Massage Mama

SavvyMom April 8, 2016

Treat yourself to a therapeutic massage in your own home. Find out more.

It gets tiring hearing everyone tell you to take time for yourself when there is no time. It’s as if they’re adding something else onto your already long to-do list.

We have an idea.

Say goodbye to sore muscles and babysitting fees, with Jaida Green-Barber Mobile Massage, a local mom of two and registered massage therapist who comes to your home so you can luxuriate in a one-hour massage once the kids are tucked in.

With flexible hours, this soothing treatment works well with your busy schedule. Watching the purse strings? Receipts are issued for each treatment and massage therapy is covered under most benefits packages.

Tailored to meet individual needs, there are a variety of options for these client-led massages, such as prenatal or traditional Swedish. As a tri-athlete, Jaida knows how to stretch out those pesky IT bands, and has extensive experience treating the upper back, neck and shoulders.

Before the school year envelopes us in a whirlwind of commitments and car pooling, go ahead and schedule in some R and R just for you.

Call or text 403-703-4100 to arrange for an appointment.

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