Top Tips for Keeping a Perfectly Organized Garage

SavvyMom June 29, 2020
garage organization

The garage and storage areas are typically dumping grounds for the whole family. While it might seem like this no man’s land usually gets to a point of no return, there is hope for returning it to its original state of glory.

Here are some easy tips on how to transform your garage into an organized and functional space.

Join Forces. Blast the music and ask your partner and kids to help! Getting them involved is always a good way to both spend time together and keep the kids busy.

Collect Supplies. Gather trash bags, gloves, tapes, containers, cleaners, paper towels, rags, a labeller, vacuum, broom and dustpan. Lay them out and have them at the ready before you start so that you don’t lose momentum.

Purge. Decide and divide items into categories: what needs to be kept, donated, sold, trashed, returned, repaired or recycled. If you need a dumpster, get one or share one with a neighbour.

Create Zones. Form general areas: sports, garden, tools, seasonal, travel, home, electronics etc. Create a flow in your garage, keeping the most commonly used items most accessible.

Make a Path. Always ensure there is a safe and clear path to get what you need. This rule and applies to any organizing project. Consider marking out zones with painter’s tape or chalk on the floor.

Get Vertical. Your walls are a great way to store your items so that they’re easy to see and take up less space. Use pegboards, good quality shelving and aim to keep things off the floor to make sweeping a breeze.

Look up. Use the ceiling to store ladders, skis or bikes.

Label Like Crazy. The secret to staying organized is to label everything, especially if you expect others to put things back.

Make It Easy. For those who seem to ignore labels, clear containers are your friend. They help folks find what they need quickly and put it away easily. Spend a little extra on quality, stackable containers. Add adequate lighting.

Make a Profit. If you’ve got a lot of useable items left over, set up a yard sale so you can make some cash off of your old goods! Consider Craigslist, Kijiji, eBay or Etsy to reap a little reward for your efforts on saleable items. And then consider donating your profit to a cause in need.



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