What We’re Talking About This Week


An amazing rap from a cool dad, what they really want for Father’s Day, women in science getting the last laugh and an amazing teacher’s gift. That’s what caught our attention this week.
1. Taye Diggs Raps About Being A Good Dad In ‘#DadJam’
Taye Diggs might just be the coolest dad ever. The actor has teamed up ‘dad pant’ makers Dockers to release a Father’s Day video extolling the virtues of Fatherhood, dubbed the #DadJam. Encouraging fellow dads to ‘get down with your dad self’ and praising the awesomeness that is Daddyhood—it’s a heartwarming watch that will having you chuckling—and grooving—in your seat. Watch it here.

What dad's really want for Father's Day

2. What Dad’s Really Want for Father’s Day
This Sunday, June 21 isn’t just the first day of summer, (huzzah!) it’s also the designated day for setting aside time to celebrate all things dad, and to remind all the dads in your life of how much they mean to you. We love to give Dad a special treat before taking him on an outing he’ll love. According to a recent article by cricketscircle.com, we’re not that far off the mark. 17 real dads were asked to reveal what they really, truly want for Father’s Day, and their answers—much like dads themselves—were equal parts humorous and sweet. For laughs and some gift-giving inspiration, give it a read here. Some of our faves: real chocolate pudding that is completely free of superfoods, a sappy sweet handmade card from the kids, and to sleep past 6 am. We hear ya Dad, we hear ya.

Distractingly Sexy Lady Does Science Work

3. Women in Science are #DistractinglySexy
The Nobel Prize-winning scientist Sir Tim Hunt made headlines for all the wrong reasons last week when he made some extremely cringe-inducing remarks regarding his female co-workers and women in science generally. ‘Let me tell you about my trouble with girls,’ the British scientist reportedly said. ‘You fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticize them, they cry!’ The icing on the sexist cake was that the comments were made at a conference honouring women in science. Oh the irony. The Twitterverse was quick to respond, and women in science soon rallied under the hashtag #DistractinglySexy, tweeting tongue-in-cheek photos of themselves in their work uniforms—often full lab gear, a biohazard suit, or a face mask. Sexy indeed. We applaud these ladies for responding with wit and humour, and we think the right word to describe how they look is ‘inspiring.’

4. Our New Favourite Way to Thank a Teacher
The end of school is nigh! Time to rejoice, or perhaps panic—or maybe a bit of both. But before the last day of school, make sure the kids take a moment to thank their teacher for a wonderful year. A handwritten note is a must in our books, and a thoughtful gift is a lovely touch. Our Community Manager, Christine, told us this week about the special gift her nephew’s class gave their teacher, and we think it’s so brilliant, we had to share it. The whole class completed individual random acts of kindness for strangers, documented it with notes and photos, and had it all compiled in a book to present to their teacher. Amazing—we know we’d be floored to receive such a thoughtful gift, and the teacher will surely treasure that book for years to come. And what a great way to teach kids about the old adage, ‘it’s better to give than to receive.’

Aveeno daily care giveaway

5. Win a Daily Care Basket from Aveeno
Finally, we wanted to let you know about a great contest were running in conjunction with our sister site, the BabyPost.com. Head over to our Instagram to see the amazing basket we’re giving away—there’s one for you to win, and one for you to win for a friend. Each one is stuffed full of goodies from Aveeno to make taking care of baby a little easier. Enter here for a chance to win.

Have a great week!


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