Lots of Fun

SavvyMom March 31, 2016

Summertime…and the livin’ is easy? You want to go here, go there, park here, walk there…get wet, get dry, wear a hat, read a book, eat local, grill everything, have an adventure, apply sunscreen (on everyone, always)…we’re exhausted from all the fun. But we still love summer and we always want to make the most of it.
That’s why we depend so much on our mom version of the ‘little black book’. It’s called Toronto Fun Places and it’s the family-tested guide to year-round fun in the GTA and Southern Ontario. This book includes hundreds of listings of places that author and SavvyMom Nathalie Prezeau has visited and tested over the last 12 years with her two children, and the recently-released fourth edition has been completely updated. Just think, hundreds of places to take your children within a two hour drive of downtown Toronto. (Again, we’re exhausted just thinking about it.)

But don’t let the vastness of the list scare you. Nathalie has organized things well into categories and seasons so you can access information quickly. And what we like best about the book is that Nathalie includes a ‘Tips’ section with each entry that provides us moms the what you need/don’t need to take, driving instructions and age recommendations, as well as letting you know if there is another ‘suitable attraction’ close by. These are the golden nuggets that moms need (and only moms know) to make a trip successful.

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