Rainbow Smoothie

Rainbow Smoothie Recipe - SavvyMom

I made fabulous rainbow fruit cups last week, instantly inspiring me to try my hand at a colour-infused smoothie  recipe. Whether school is in session or not, my boys are always in need of quick and nutritious breakfasts while their bodies adjust to getting up earlier for school or being active in the summer heat. Smoothies are the perfect breakfast addition (or simply, breakfast), and a great way to start the day.

This smoothie recipe contains no dairy or added sweetener, and is made up of nothing but layers of fresh and frozen fruits and veggies, plus just a touch of liquid to help with the blending.

I’m not one for ‘hiding’ foods in my recipes, but the large handful of spinach was completely unrecognizable in taste and appearance, and it was downed without complaint. I’m fairly certain that if I added leafy greens to the morning breakfast plate there would be more than a few turned up noses around my table, making this meal even more desirable.

Feel free to use whatever you have on hand, or your family’s favourite fruit. Cucumbers would work well here too, as would avocado, and if you own a high-tech blender, carrots add a subtle sweetness and pretty colour to the cup.

Rainbow Smoothie Recipe:

You’ll Need

  • Blackberries, baby spinach, sliced peaches, bananas, and frozen raspberries
  • A few tablespoons of water or your favourite juice

Prep and Cook

  • 1
    Fill a blender jug or large drinking vessel with a handful of each of the fruits and veggies
  • 2
    Top with a few tablespoons of water or your favourite juice, blend and drink immediately

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