Fun Things to Do in Ottawa in October for Families

Things to Do in Ottawa in October - SavvyMom

As we head into October, it’s a good time to look at our calendars and plan out some of our fall family fun activities that we want to cross off our lists. There’s lots of fun things to do in Ottawa in October!

With Thanksgiving and Halloween jammed into this month, and hopefully pleasant autumnal weather, many of us will be looking to bundle up in our best fall plaid, grab a pumpkin spice latte, and make some memories.

Here are some fun things to do in Ottawa in October for Families:

Apple Picking in Ottawa

Plan to pick apples before the end of the season

You’ll want to plan to pick apples early in the month before the trees are bare and the season is over if this is a family tradition you want to start or continue. If you aren’t sure where to go apple picking in or around Ottawa, visit our article about where to go apple picking in Ottawa with some of our favourite spots.

Go on a Nature Walk

This is a beautiful time of year to go on a family hike or nature walk. No matter how long or short you plan the trip, Ottawa is home to many locations that are perfect for extended hikes through the trees as they change colours, or short mini walks to accommodate younger children. Have you visited Pink Lake? Or walked along the water at Petrie Island? Find more nature walk locations around Ottawa here.

Enjoy the Colours of the Fall

Fall Rhapsody returns as the leaves change colour and residents enjoy touring the area to see the magnificent landscapes. The Fall Rhapsody website not only offers a ‘colour meter’ to let you know as the leaves are turning, but also a listing of locations to take a stroll or hike, cycling trails and where you can go canoeing or kayaking. Fall Rhapsody takes place until Sunday, October 23rd.

Adventure to a Pumpkin Patch

Pick the perfect pumpkin at a pumpkin patch! Many locations in Ottawa also include family friendly activities like wagon rides, lots of outdoor space for exploring while letting our littlest ones run and play, and some include Halloween activities that are not-to-spooky if you prefer.


Plan a Halloween Haunt

As we mentioned above, many Ottawa area pumpkin patches include Halloween activities. Some are not very scary, while others will immerse you in a fully frightful activity. You can bring the kids to Saunders Farm during the day for daytime activities like bouncing on their jumping pillows, walking through the corn maze, or taking a wagon ride (your choice of scary or not). Cannamore Orchards has haunted activities as well, with a focus on family fun on the weekends (the haunts are not as big!) Or visit Proulx Farms for their annual PumpkinFest to enjoy mazes, slides, meeting animals, playing on structures, and more. It’s one of the best things to do in Ottawa in October!

If you want an immersive and bright Halloween experience check out the return of Pumpkinferno at Upper Canada Village from Friday, September 30th – Sunday, October 30th. Thousands of carved pumpkins will delight your family and possibly offer some creative inspiration for your own family carving experience.

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