7 Things We Learned After One Year of Motherhood

SavvyMom January 20, 2020
Things We Learned After One Year of Motherhood

Being a mother is undeniably fantastic. It’s also really hard and sometimes it can be downright awful. After a year of navigating our way with a little one in tow, here are a few things we’ve learned about motherhood.

1. Everything is just a phase

When you think your wee gorgeous baby is never going to figure out their days from nights, or take a bottle, or nap on schedule, or anything else currently causing you stress, we can now confidently say—they will. Everything with babies, and kids for that matter, seems to be a phase. When they’re good and ready, they will figure it out on their own time.

2. You have great instincts. Trust them more.

Sometimes motherhood comes naturally, sometimes it doesn’t. But the truth is, you know what’s right for you and your baby. You know that little being better than anyone and if you think something isn’t right—you’re right. You can trust yourself.

3. You don’t have to love all of it

Some people love the newborn phase. Some don’t. Both are okay. Some people love toddlers. Others have a hard time with that stage. The point is, it’s not all magical and if you find yourself wishing that person telling you to enjoy every minute would just stop talking, we hear you, Mama. Sometimes it’s great. Sometimes it sucks.

4. The little baby things will always make you nostalgic

Even though motherhood and newborns can be so tough, there’s some kind of magic or witchcraft in baby clothes that makes you oooh and aww over every little bodysuit and pair of big-bummed pants. I mean, look at those teeny tiny things and imagine your baby fitting into them. Pure magic.

5. Bodysuits are key

Babies poop. A lot. The blowout is a phrase you’ll become very familiar with, only it has nothing to do with you having a fresh, wonderful hairdo. That’s where snap up bodysuits come in. They’re your first line of defence against the inevitable poop blowout your baby will have. You’ll go through a lot of these little bodysuits. Might as well stock up!

6. The zip-up PJs are everything

When you’re fumbling around in the dark like the zombie that you have become, the last thing you want to deal with is complicated PJs. One zip-up and one zip down, these one-piece PJs are magical. Did we mention how cute they are?

7. It gets easier and better

When you’re in the middle of it, mothering a newborn can feel long and tough. The thing we’ve found is that it just keeps getting better as time goes on. As you settle into it, and feel more comfortable with who you are and how you parent, parenting gets easier and better.


Come Join Us in Celebrating a Special First Birthday!

With all this talk of first years, we’re excited to join Joe Fresh in celebrating the first birthday of their newborn clothing line—Joe Fresh Sprout Collection. And what’s a first birthday without a party?

Toronto—Shop With Us at 25% Off

Join us at our upcoming shopping event at Joe Fresh Vaughan Mills to enjoy 25% off regular items for the entire family. Plus, to make the party even more fun, you can enjoy a photo session with our on-site photographer, enjoy some great snacks, mingle with us and our friends the GG Sisters, and get a chance to win our $1000 giveaway!

Date: Tuesday, February 4

Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Where: Joe Fresh Vaughan Mills (enter at Door 1)

RSVP here to shop for the whole family at 25% off.


This post is brought to you by Joe Fresh but the opinions are our own.


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