7 Things to Do Now to Get Ready for Back to School

SavvyMom September 9, 2019
Things to Do Now to Get Ready for Back to School

With school on the horizon, there’s a range of emotions that come with it. From excitement to nerves—adjusting to the first day of school is a big deal, whether it’s your first time or you’re a seasoned pro. Here are a few things you can do ahead of time to make the transition smoother for everyone.

Check last year’s supplies for anything that can be reused

Not everything has to be brand-name, spanking new at the start of another school year. Check last year’s pencil cases, lunch bags and backpacks and throw them in the wash if they’re looking a little dodgy. If a wash and dry doesn’t do the trick, then you can make a list of what you truly need. You can also re-sharpen old pencils and pencil crayons before buying anything new. Can you hand down any lunch containers from kid to kid? Throw some new name labels onto them and they’re new enough!

Stock up the medicine cabinet

It’s unfortunately true that with a new school year may come a new set of germs and colds1. It’s best to be prepared ahead of time by stocking up on anything you might need to make your little one feel better when and if they do get struck with a cold or flu. A thermometer, kid-safe cough medicine, humidifier and Children’s Advil—which gives up to 8 hours of fever relief—are all key.

Do a trial run

If this is your child’s first time at school or their first day at a new school, try out a trial run ahead of time. For example, you can walk, bike, or drive to school (or to the bus stop) the way you normally would. Check out the outside of the school and where they’ll line up when the bell rings. Going through the motions and familiarizing yourself is a great way to calm any nerves that kids might be experiencing ahead of the big day.

Prep for kindergarten

If your little one is heading to kindergarten for the first time, you’ll want to find out exactly what kinds of supplies you’ll need to stock up on as well as some things they should know before school starts. Then take a deep breath, because it’ll be okay! We promise.

Adjust sleep

Summer is a fantastic time to stay up late and sleep in. But it can wreak havoc on your child’s mood and ability to stay focused if they’re exhausted for the first few weeks of school. Although it may be hard, it’s a good idea to work on sleep schedules about a week in advance and try to get them to both go to bed and wake up earlier each day.

Set rules and expectations for after school

Rather than springing it on them on day one, think about what rules you’d like to have in place for after school. Are they allowed to watch TV or have screen time with tablets or laptops? Do they need to unpack their bags as soon as they get home? Do you want them to do homework first? Or can they unwind in front of the TV for a little bit? Whatever works best for you is just perfect. But it’s a good idea to make sure everyone in the family knows and understands what the rules of your house are when it comes to after school.

Schedule your appointments ahead of time

If possible, it’s a good idea to get your kids in to see doctors and dentists before the school year starts. Have their eyes checked, get them to see their family doctor, make their dentist appointments. If you can do it all just before school starts, you won’t have to take them out of class while they’re still adjusting to the new year.


1 https://www.webmd.com/children/features/germs-in-school-room


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